Friday, February 06, 2009

A Letter from the Altar Guild Chair

Dear Members and Friends,

As you may or may not know, I have been asked to chair the altar guild of St. Andrew's Church. It is the time of year that we need to make a new schedule of the upcoming year. I would like to ask anyone who would like to serve our Lord and our church in this way to please let me or Fr. Whit know.

I personally have found that serving God in this way is very meaningful and fulfilling, It only takes a small amount of time and effort to serve in this way.

I would also like to ask you all that if you have a special occasion in which you would like to serve on the altar guild or if you would like to provide flowers please contact me and I will be glad to help you.

Ken Brodie


Whit+ said...
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Whit+ said...

Thanks for posting this Ken. I removed your phone number for privacy reasons. I will put this in this weekend's service leaflet as well (we can put your number there).

By the way, our web address is now updated on the Diocesan website.

Thanks for your help with this!