Thursday, February 15, 2007

The Episcopal Church's New Blog

Offering an online overview of news and views "left, right and center," the Episcopal Church's Office of Communication has launched anew web log, or blog -- available at

Called "epiScope: looking over the Episcopal Church," the blog seeks "to add perspective and context to some stories, and to correct the record in other instances," said the Episcopal Church's communication director,Canon Robert Williams.

"epiScope is an essential component of the Episcopal Church's overall communication strategy at the present time when reporters increasingly consult the 'blogosphere' for story leads and interpretation," Williams added. He said the blog is part of the new "Episcopal Church Online" initiativethat is working "to support Episcopalians' increasing participation in building community through the latest net-based strategies."

The Rev. Jan Nunley, the Episcopal Church's deputy for communication, is moderator of the epiScope blog, and "has worked with great skill and insight in designing and launching this new service," Williams said.

Full story:

Thanks to the Episcopal News Service

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