Thursday, September 15, 2005

Outreach from Old Friends

The Episcopal Church of the Resurrection, in Pleasant Hill, California, sent a package of beautiful cards made by children and adults at their church. Church of the Resurrection was one of the churchs that Whit and Dawnell were involved in while in California. The church sent half the cards to St. Andrew's and the other half to Camp Hardtner for the evacuees and as way to support those of us working to help the evacuees. Their note said, "We want to let you know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. Here are a few cards from our congregation with their heart felt expression. I hope some of the cards from the very little people will bring a smile to your face even if just for a moment. We felt deep anguish as we watched on TV and saw you struggles and the devestation of your communites. We hope your spirits are lifted by the support you have received from your surrounding communites and the country at large... You are loved and cared about. "

The cards sent to us will be delivered to the evacuees staying out at King's Camp.